Horrific Casting Notice Proof that Body Shaming Still Exists in Broadway Casting

Chris Peterson

  • OnStage Editor-in-Chief
  • Twitter: @onstageblog

Recently New York City Center Encores! released their audition notices for their 2016-17 season. In addition to the show information, character descriptions and vocal ranges they were looking for, they also included the types of actresses they wanted to see. And when I say "type", I'm talking about their size. 

In a screen shot by actress Kirsten Wyatt, the audition notice pointed out that for the female roles in their production of The Golden Apple, they were not looking for "heavy character actresses." 

Normally to see this on a professional theatres' audition notice would be jarring enough but they decided to print it at least FOUR TIMES. 

Apparently they wanted women to get the message clearly. 

Now to update you, just moments ago while I'm writing this, Encores! has updated this notice and taken out the offending text. But it's too late. 

First of all they did it without even an apology for one of the worst offenses one can make on an audition notice, but they did something far worse.

They showed their hand with their casting process and proved that body shaming in the Broadway casting community is sadly thriving. 

Even with all the progress that has been made when it comes to inclusion, casting equality and equal pay, women who aren't under a size 2 still have to deal with this shit. 

Any female who's above a size 2 or man who's waist is above a 34 knows that the odds of being cast in certain shows, are stacked against them. But for God's sake, does the audition notice have to make that point explicitly clear? 

I find it appalling and sad that with all the advancements Broadway has made in the 21st century, there are still theatre organizations who haven't evolved. 

Shame on you Encores.