What is Your Favorite Musical of the 21st Century So Far?

There is no doubt that musical theatre fans are a passionate bunch. Musicals, no matter if they are successes or flops, can be fiercely defended or bashed. So we here at OnStage Blog wanted to find out what is your favorite musical over the past 17 years. 

Since Facebook now has a really fun poll feature. We'd figured the easiest way to do this is to do it bracket style. 

So we compiled a list of what we felt were the 32 most popular musicals of the 21st Century, so far,(which we're sure will be debatable as well) and seeded them 1 thru 32. 

We based our seeds on everything from award wins, box office strength, length of run, popularity of licensing, etc. 

We'll post each match up every day for the next couple of weeks on our Facebook page which can be found here:

Once we get down to the Final Four, we'll extend each voting period to 48 hours rather than 24. 

Remember, Facebook only allows you to vote once and votes can't be changed after they're cast, so consider your choice carefully!

Let the voting begin!

Here is the way the bracket shaped out and we will update it as we go along.