This week Ben and Chris pay some tributes to their moms, talk about the incredible Wu-Tang Documentary and brag about Boston Sports. Also some GoT chat.(Avoid Spoilers skip 21:00 to 41:00)
Read MoreThis week Ben and Chris finally get to discuss Avengers: Endgame(Spoilers 11:20-31:20), talk about GoT product placement(Spoilers 31:33-39:08), movies that confuse us and a special shoutout to all involved with the 2nd Annual Kessel Run which raised money for Make-a-Wish.
Read MoreThis week, Ben and Chris deep dive into Game of Thrones(To avoid spoilers skip 12:40 to 24:07), discuss production placement in movies, the demise of Woodstock 50 and rundown Nicholas Cage's amazing looking 2019-2020 slate of films.
Read MoreThis week Ben and Chris talk about some Game of Thrones(Spoiler alert 9:45 - 19:50), B Horror Films, memorabilia auctions and pay tribute to actor John Cazale.
Read MoreThis week Ben and Chris break down some Coachella news, the new Star Wars Trailer and Avengers snobs who are trying to spoil everything for everyone.
Read MoreThis week Ben and Chris cover everything from Wrestlemania, a new bracket to declare the funniest real name and do a surprising deep dive on Karate Kid Part II.
Read MoreOn this week's episode, Ben and Chris chat about the movie event that will be 'Avengers: Endgame', 'Us' and the evolution of horror, what genres of music that are just impossible for us to get into and much more!
Read MoreThis week Ben and Chris discuss the brilliance of Nicholas Cage, some true March Madness and ask "Are we living in the golden age of TV writing?"
Read MoreThis week Ben and Chris cover topics such as how the legacy of "Arrested Development" has been ruined by the unfunny seasons on Netflix, the state of Jazz and its appreciation and how pumped they are that "Billions" is back!
Read MoreThis week Ben and I talk about everything from "Clerks" to Music to "Captain Marvel." With some Brooklyn 99 to start us off.
(Also, major Captain Marvel spoilers in this one. To avoid, skip from mark 22:25 to 32:25)
Read MoreI'm very excited to bring you a new podcast to the OSB Network, "Desperately Seeking Entertainment"! My co-host, Ben Frawley, and I break down entertainment stories of the week, talk about upcoming films to look out for and give our picks for our weekly "Let's Go Youtube-in".
This week's episode we discuss everything from the Oscars to the 'Leaving Neverland' Documentary to the To Kill a Mockingbird controversy. Enjoy!
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