Dear Tony Voters, Please Don't Forget Bonnie Milligan

Photos by Emilio Madrid-Kuser

It’s been only a couple of days, but the pain of losing Head Over Heels is still fresh. While it received mixed reviews, I found it to be a vibrant, fun, boundary-pushing piece. It certainly was a highlight of an otherwise “meh” start to the 2018-19 Broadway season.

As with most shows that close early on, months before the award season starts, they are typically forgotten by award voters. I certainly hope that isn’t the case for Head Over Heels.

While I don’t expect it to break into the Top 4 for a Best Musical nod, I do think it will get some love in the design categories. But most of all, I’m hoping Tony voters don’t forget about Bonnie Milligan’s incredible performance as Princess Pamela. Because it was one of the best performances I’ve seen in recent years.

Beyond being entertaining, Milligan was awe inspiring in the role. I walked out of the show thinking, “Everyone has to see her in this.” From her comic timing, to the way she slayed “Beautiful”, everything about her onstage was perfect. I wanted to fun on stage and give her the award during curtain call.

I’ve only felt this way about a performance a handful of times and every single time it’s happened, that person has ended up winning the award in June.

I know it’s a long shot considering the show was’t universally adored and it’s closing early on. But the field for this category isn’t going to be nearly crowded as it has in the past and I think there is plenty of room for incredible performance like what Bonnie Milligan did to make it’s way to a Tony nomination.

So I’m crossing my fingers that Tony voters feel the same.