Rachel Bloom’s biography 'I Want to Be Where the Normal People Are' is a must read


If you’re a fan of musical theatre, the television show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a must-see.  If you’re a fan of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, then Rachel Bloom’s biography I Want to Be Where the Normal People Are is a must-read. 

Rachel Bloom is incredibly “real” with the reader.  Comparing her book to that of other celebrities, many of them discuss the plethora of misfortunes they faced prior to their fame.  Then once they make it big, all the bullies, naysayers, and doubters suddenly mean nothing, and the celebrity has no problems in life anymore because they have “made it”.  Bloom is incredibly open and candid about how she still finds herself seeking acceptance from negative colleagues, and struggles to accept her work as good and worthy of acclaim if one person doesn't like it.  She discusses her journey that is still underway towards self-acceptance and truly relates to the reader on a personal level. 

Instead of talking “at” the reader, Bloom’s book fosters the same feeling one might have when they are opening up to a friend.  Bloom never hides behind a mask.  To read about somebody as successful and accomplished as Rachel Bloom going through and overcoming all the challenges she has is quite inspiring. 

Bloom’s book lacks a solid structure, but this is what makes the biography intriguing and true to Rachel Bloom’s dazzling persona and spirit.  One chapter of the book is told entirely from her dog’s perspective, another part of the book is a scripted musical, one chapter features an interview between adult Bloom and child Bloom, and the list goes on.  The spontaneity of the book is fun, engaging, and keeps readers on their toes and wondering what magical place Bloom will take them to next.

Besides creating the best television show ever made, Rachel Bloom is known for her commitment to mental health-related issues.  In a chapter towards the end of the book, Bloom discussed how after Crazy Ex-Girlfriend was done, she wanted to buckle down and focus on prioritizing her mental and physical health.  However, she then had to perform at an awards show just moments after she thought she might be experiencing a miscarriage.  (Luckily everything was completely fine and she has since given birth to a healthy daughter). 

Periods and miscarriages are such taboo subjects, and reading this chapter is so important and eye-opening.  Bloom really gets into every detail of what was happening to her body.  She discusses this and many other topics in the book with no holds barred, whether it’s widely accepted and talked about or not.  This was such a refreshing chapter to read, and is just one of many examples.

If you’re a die-hard Crazy Ex-Girlfriend fan, this book is filled with tons of easter eggs and parallels to the show.  The chapter in which adult Bloom is talking to child Bloom is very reminiscent of all the scenes in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend with Rebecca and Young Rebecca. 

In an early chapter of the book, Bloom talks about her struggles with depression.  She labels depression as “the bad” and says that “the bad” would come and go during random periods of time.  This sounds a lot like the song “The Darkness” from season 4 of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.  She also discusses a time in middle school where she was romantically obsessed with a boy in her class and was ready to completely ditch everything she knew because she wanted them to be together.  Sound familiar?  These are only some of the connections between Bloom’s book and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. 

I Want to Be Where the Normal People Are is an incredibly fast read, because Bloom makes the reader feel like they are old friends getting lost in a zany conversation and wondering where the time went.  It’s a breath of fresh air to read something so authentic, genuine, and unapologetic. Rachel Bloom is truly a gift to us all.