4 Reasons Why It's the Perfect Time to Rediscover 'Legally Blonde: the Musical'


by Callie Cooper, Guest Editorial

Need a quick pick-me-up? I encourage you to rediscover or take in for the first time one of the most underrated musicals of the last 20 years - Legally Blonde the Musical​.

Here are four reasons why:

1.    Laura Bell Bundy (LBB) is QUEEN.

Do I even need to explain this statement? LBB was a child star (even had Brittany Spears as her understudy while she was in an off-Broadway play)- but in LBTM, she proved to the Broadway community that she is star material. To this day when I watch the live shot MTV special of the original Broadway cast for the thousandth time- LBB makes Elle’s journey fresh and exciting. She is a phenomenal triple threat, and if you aren’t laughing hysterically, crying, and getting goosebumps from her performance- I don’t know what’s wrong with you.

2.    Empowering story.

This may seem like a pink fluff fest, but let's be real. In two hours we deal with a lot. Toxic relationships, body image, underestimation, sexual harassment, sexism, I could go on. It’s all relevant. To everyone. 

3.    The musical is the best telling of this story, hands down. 

As a reviewer, the first thing I ask myself when I see a show-especially if it is a retelling of a movie or book- “what makes this story better as a musical?” And if I’m being honest, most of the time I am disappointed, (recently there have been so many movies to musicals or operas and some of them have been really bad.) Jerry Mitchell and the other creators of LBTM got to the heart and soul of this story and told this story better than ever before (cue “So much better”).

The creators had a lot of different material to work with, a blockbuster movie and a best selling book. In the middle of my week(s) long LBTM binge-fest, I read the original book. And spoiler alert- it’s quite different from the movie. There is no Emmett character, creepy Professor, and no UPS guy. Elle is a more independent female than portrayed in the movie and musical (she actually has a female pal in law school.)

The musical took all the plot edits- but in my opinion, incorporating more of Elle’s independent spirit and beautiful femininity.

4. It is just a FUN time.

Catchy tunes, some of the smartest lyrics and books I have ever heard, energetic choreography. This show is at its core about bettering yourself. I think this is a good message for all of us shut in with quarantine. It may seem like the world is so dark and will never start again. Theatre, music, and the arts will never start again. But it will. And we can all reenter “normal life” with plans to be more productive, kinder and closer as humans than ever before. I believe, as I’m sure Elle Woods agrees wherever she is, that we will all come out of this “so much better than before.”

I don’t know about you, but when things open back up, I’m gonna live like Elle does after Warner breaks up with her.