The Theatre Industry in Latvia is Resuming Post COVID-19, Here's How They're Doing It

  • Dārta Smaine

While most of the world is on lockdown and theatres are closed, in Latvia, the government has allowed rehearsals and plays, drive-in movies, and concerts to happen considering all the safety measures, as well as some other cultural establishments like museums and libraries to open up.

On May 12 the government of Latvia started to gradually reduce or cancel the previously made safety measures, allowing for the cultural establishments to gradually open up, start rehearsals in presence, and/or start their work. But only if all the safety protocols are taken into account.

The new protocol for the professional rehearsals (music, dance, theatre) state that:

  • the distance between actors and musicians must be 2m (6 ft), between dancers and singers 3m (9 ft);

  • the establishments define the maximum count of the participants – 1 actor or musician on 4m2 space (13 ft2), 1 singer or dancer on 6m2 (19 ft2);

  • a person who has no link to rehearsals is not allowed to be present;

  • the establishment makes lists of names and contacts or every person involved in the rehearsal process and, considering the principles of processing personal data, save these lists for 3 weeks after the rehearsal has taken place;

  • there is no change in the composition of the participants involved in the rehearsal process;

  • if during a rehearsal it is necessary for a closer distance, the establishment has to make sure that direct contact is not happening between the participants and the distance reducing goes no longer than 15 minutes;

  • the rehearsal must be planned in up to 4-hour length, including breaks;

  • if a person has symptoms, feels sick or has to be in quarantine, the person is encouraged to stay home and not attend the cultural establishment;

  • the establishment must provide the possibility of hand hygiene;

  • provision of sharing drinks or snack sites for rehearsal participants is not allowed;

  • after attending the rehearsal after several daybreaks, the person must confirm in writing that he is not subject to conditions of self-isolation, quarantine or isolation;

  • the establishment can define other safety measures;

As for amateur art ensembles – the amateur ensembles can gradually start rehearsals in presence taking notice of the safety and health protocol starting June 1st.  

The new protocol for amateur rehearsals (theatre, choir, dance, brass bands, vocal ensembles, folk groups, etc.):

  • the distance between actors and musicians must be 2m (6 ft), between dancers and singers 3m (9 ft);

  • the establishments define the maximum count of the participants – 1 actor or musician on 4m2 space (13 ft2), 1 singer or dancer on 6m2 (19 ft2);

  • if during a rehearsal it is necessary for a closer distance, the establishment has made sure that direct contact is not happening between the participants and the  distance reducing is no longer than 15 minutes;

  • the rehearsal must be planned in up to 3-hour length, including breaks;

  • if a person has symptoms, feels sick or has to be in quarantine, the person is encouraged to stay home and not attend the cultural establishment;

  • the establishment must provide the possibility of hand hygiene;

  • the establishment can define other safety measures.

Part of the theatres are already in rehearsals, doing shows, and plays with an audience(obviously taking the safety protocol in account), some are still doing web-plays, web-shows or simply putting up recordings of plays online. So the life for theatre in Latvia is very gradually getting back to how it was, and yet it will never be the same because it is still risky and no one has canceled the Coronavirus from spreading.

Just remember that Latvia is NOT a big country (rather small) and thanks to the fast reaction to Pandemic and the quickly made safety restrictions, the statistics of the infected and deaths by the Coronavirus are much lower in the past few weeks than in the big countries. Be safe, check the statistics, and hopefully it gets better also for you out there, who are waiting to get to the stage and rehearse. And maybe Latvia’s example of restarting rehearsals and presence shows will help you with your safety protocols. Stay safe!