What is Their Definitive Song? : Alan Menken

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A couple of weeks ago, we launched a brand new podcast called “Definitive Cinema” where we ask ourselves what is the definitive film example of an actor’s career or genre. For instance, in the past couple of weeks, we’ve covered the likes of Tom Cruise, Quentin Tarantino, and basketball films.

But the podcast got me thinking about how it could apply to the musical theatre world. So I decided to take a look at various composers to see if I could nominate what I think is their definitive song. An entire show or movie score, that might be too easy, especially if they haven’t composed too many shows. However, a singular song? That’s a fun exercise to think about.

So why not launch this new series with a composer whose works have had an infinite impact on multiple generations of performers and generations to come, Mr. Alan Menken.

Remember, we’re not asking what his best song is, we’re asking the questions of “If your friend had no idea who Alan Menken is, what would be the one song you’d pick to illustrate his work?”

Let’s dig in.

It would be silly not to admit his, as well as his writing partner Howard Ashman’s, importance in musical theatre history. Besides Little Shop of Horrors, his work on Disney’s film classics inspired many of us to get on stage in the first place.

So how do we find the definitive Menken song?

There are a lot of aspects of his work you could praise. From great, catchy melodies to songs that allow a performer to really…well..perform. There are many directions you could go to pick the definitive Menken song.

But for me, there is something that he has done better than arguably anyone else, the “I Want” song.

You all know what I’m talking about right? The song where a character illustrates their goals, wants and desires. Whether through an upbeat number or gorgeous ballad, Menken has mastered this moment more than any other composer I can think of. In fact, many of the classic and most iconic of his works, are “I Want” songs.

So which one did I pick? It was a hard choice but I went with “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid.,

Have a listen and then I’ll break down why.

What this song has going for it is not only is it beautiful, but it is the very definition of an “I Want” song. The song reveals so much of what we need to know about Ariel - her dreams, her youth, her conflicts, her quest for a better self. Menken masters this type of narrative in songs (“Sante Fe”, “Somewhere That’s Green”), but I don’t think it' gets much better than this.

And the fact that it almost didn’t make it into the film is incredible to me.

While we’re not counting the reprise in the decision, can we just mention THE REPRISE?!?!?

All in all, I think that if you were talking to someone who had never listened to an Alan Menken song, this would be the one I would play them to illustrate the very definition of what he’s given us.

I’m looking forward to this series and the discussions it might ignite. Join me next time when I try to figure out Andrew Lloyd Webber’s definitive song.