“An actor in Ocala, FL has been charged with sexual battery after admitting to molesting a young boy he had met during a play at the local theatre. The abuse happened over a dozen times over a period of six months. In the wake of the arrest, the theatre has barred the actor from their stage but has not confirmed or denied knowing about the allegations while allowing the actor to appear in productions with minors.”
Read More“Virginia was excited to be cast in a one-act festival set to perform this past summer. But then COVID-19 arrived and the festival was canceled. Thus ending a 50 year run in community theatre.”
Read More“While the Save Our Stages Act certainly provides relief to commercial theatre venues, it excludes community theatres that desperately need aid as well. Without eligibility in future legislation, tens of thousands of these stages will remain dark for good.”
Read MoreIn any part of life, doubting yourself is inevitable.
From working for a promotion to applying for colleges, there’s a point where you stop and ask yourself: Am I sure that I can do this? Even the most confident people have these moments of doubt, whether they realize it or not. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most common feelings in the world. And when you’re working in the arts? That feeling multiplies by ten at every email with an audition or job opening, thinking of the hundreds of others who probably received the exact same email. It may not help having the “starving artist” reputation that surrounds our decisions either.
Read MoreIt is a reality of our world that bringing creative work to life costs money. The training, whether private lessons or group classes or university studies, can become prohibitively expensive. What do we do when we, as individuals, simply don’t have the money?
Read More“Here are my suggestions on how to maximize COVID performing for those days when you just gotta sing, gotta dance!”
Read More“In recent weeks, with theatres side-stepping AEA’s safety protocols and the COVID-19 outbreak among a community theatre cast of Mamma Mia, there has been a lot of discussion about what can be done to prevent theatres that are being unsafe, from producing shows. An idea that I’ve seen gaining steam on social media is for safety protocols to be approved by licensing companies in order to secure rights to do the show.”
Read More“If you’re the leader of a community theatre and you care about its financial survival, do not let Richard Bento near it. After an explosive report by Boston’s NPR radio station, Bento’s trail of taking advantage of community theatres, and those who work within them, has finally been exposed.”
Read More“On Aug 2nd, the North Platte Community Playhouse(NPCP) concluded its run of Mamma Mia. Two weeks later, 24 members of the cast and crew have tested positive for COVID-19. Serious questions of how this happened are now being asked to NPCP officials who promised they were taking precautions despite there being evidence to the contrary.”
Read More“A Nebraska community theatre decided to go on with their summer production of ‘Mamma Mia’ despite the current health crisis and now 24 of the show’s cast and crew have tested positive for COVID-19.”
Read More“It doesn’t matter if you’re from a town of 100 people and you have one stoplight in the middle of town…theatre can live.”
Read More“To have a great show you’ll obviously need great actors, but so many other components go into a quality level production. Regardless of your budget, talent, script, or venue, paying attention to these details will put a crisp and classy touch to your show.”
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