“Justin Timberlake is a bizarre choice to replace Jackman, and not really for the reasons one might think.”
Read More“I’ve heard people express opinions along the lines of “hey if you agree to appear nude in a show you don’t get to complain about people taking pictures/filming you. You agreed to it, now suck it up. You don’t get to complain.”
As a performer, I wildly disagree.”
Read More“I’m not here to question whether we should have ever had nudity in theatre in the 18th, 19th, or 20th centuries; the question is should we have it in theatre in the world we live in 2022, going forward.”
Read More“Storytelling is not something that should be relegated to “people who want to have fun in the arts.” It’s a vital part of how we learn EVERYTHING as human beings.”
Read More“We are losing artists, we are losing stories, we are losing cultures that are becoming scattered to the winds. We need to protect eastern Europe, we need to protect Ukrainians, artists included, who have a unique power to inspire and shape us for the better.”
Read More“The show is a living, belting reminder that the one thing that unites all New Yorkers is our unshakable love/hate relationship with our city, that everyone belongs here even when it feels like no one belongs here, that every street corner is the setting for a hundred thousand stories written by a hundred thousand authors.”
Read More“When people are happy to work, their work will be better. When people have their access needs met, they will be more likely to return to the workplace. Enough is enough, we are entering a new era for theatre where we define what we need, not the other way around.”
Read More“To those who feel assured in their ability to land parts, don’t get too comfortable and never forget your position as an artist constantly striving for a deeper truth. To those who feel overlooked and forgotten, take care of yourself and do not allow criticism and self-doubt to erode your passion.”
Read More“It seems to me that too much of America's current approach to the theatre experience seems bent on exploiting our differences rather than our shared values; it seeks to focus on our grievances toward "the other side" for dramatic controversy and effect, rather than attempting to explore the means of discovering common ground.”
Read More“That is what I will tell you. Don’t write about it. Don’t do it. It’s not your story to tell. What you SHOULD write about is white complacency, white ignorance, and the white guilt around being a bystander and not lifting a finger to change the tide of racialized violence.”
Read More“Being an actor is a unique experience. It’s one that can be terrifying, exhausting, discouraging, and uplifting. It’s an experience I miss more than anything, and I can’t wait to come back.”
Read MoreI’m no stranger to imposter syndrome. I routinely question my abilities, my talents, my prospects, and my creative potential relative to the industry. I frequently wonder if I’m practicing enough, learning enough, applying myself to the right opportunities. I also often wonder if I deserve it. That’s the big one, and I had an experience with that quite recently.
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