Say no to low-balling: We cannot sacrifice our worth when the industry reopens

(Photo: DRogatnev/Shutterstock)

(Photo: DRogatnev/Shutterstock)

I think all performers can collectively and completely agree that we are ready to get back to work. Getting back on stage is going to be a great moment for our entire industry and a strong reminder that artists can truly overcome anything. My wife and I are just constantly sitting and thinking of what show to see first when the industry opens back up.

My goodness, it has been tough but we found a way to get through it all. The rise of Zoom shows has truly been such a blessing. But like I said before, artists are truly ready to get back to work and I truly feel that if our industry can survive a pandemic, anything is possible.

But we also need to remember one thing when our industry starts to open back up, and that is to not allow ourselves to get low-balled. Whether it’s by producers and/or theatre companies or both.

I do feel and understand that financial adjustments will have to be made across the board that is completely fine. But when it comes down to it, this industry as a whole is a "for-profit" business, and producers (not all but most) usually want to make the most money by spending as little as possible.

I cannot and will not speak on union contracts and any negotiations that are being made when it comes to those types of contracts because that is truly a very LONG conversation for another day. I am speaking more for those artists who are still having to protect and look out for themselves with no union protecting them.

Please make sure you don't get low-ball offers by producers manipulating you with the whole mindset of "Well I just thought you'd be happy performing again". This pandemic took a HUGE toll on EVERYONE in the arts, but that doesn't mean your worth has been diminished because of it. Be realistic with what everyone in our industry has gone through, but at the same time, don't get low-balled. I would encourage you to use whatever resources and contacts you have to verify what are fair offers and what are not.

Please protect yourself and remember that this beautiful, magical, and resilient Industry that we are in is still a business. Knowing your brand and value is going to be more important than ever.

With that being said, intermission is almost over. Prepare for your places call & break a leg!