Being an International Actor Coming to New York

  • Gigi Principe

Mia Ventura Lucas is a Portuguese stage and screen actress-singer based in NYC. She has trained in Oxford, England (Double Honours Film Studies and Drama BA) and she was also granted a Merit Scholarship to complete her acting training at the renowned American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Mia has worked in three different countries, Portugal, England and New York, performing in both off-Broadway stages and with West End Stage productions. Her credits include Twelve Angry Women (the female adaptation of the Oscar-winning film), Little Mermaid, Payback, Sister Act Showcase, among others. Check out her upcoming show, the New York Premiere of Gina Russel-Tracy’s original play ‘Potter’s Wheel’ at The Theatre for the New City. For more information or bookings please check

Manon Alice Lee is a Sydney-sider that during final exams at school decided on a whim to move to America to pursue her life-long dream of being an actor. She’s got a passion for writing, singing and more peculiarly painting watercolor birds that currently hang in Manhattan Cafe’s. She recently starred in the Manhattan Repertoires Theatre’s ‘Love Thy Will B Done’ and is currently in the process of creating her own play ‘The Blue Hour’ with  Mia Ventura Lucas. ‘Oedipus Rex’, her most recent endeavor has been a wonderful exploration with traditional Greek Theatre, she’s grateful for the invaluable and authentic experience. It will be performed in the Queens Theatre on Feb 7th. Her email is

 What do you love most about working as an actress/the theatre business?

MANON: I was always obsessed with TV/Film when I was younger. It was astonishing to me that I could see entire worlds and storylines unfold through a screen. I guess it was also a form of escapism. Honestly, it just looked like so much fun. Then my second last year of school my drama teacher wrote a play for our class about that discussed issue’s like violence against women and it really showed me how powerful theatre can be. How it can implement change by challenging social views one audience member at a time. I think art is a more personal avenue for change. It forces people to confront issues they’d rather not by inviting them into other’s lives. 

MIA: I love the unpredictability of it. One day you are here, the next you are flying for a shoot. You are a nobody today, tomorrow you could be on Broadway. I think the fact that you never know what’s around the corner is what makes this business so thrilling. But remember: perseverance is key, no one ever went anywhere without hard work and discipline.

What is a Visa essentially? And how long do they last?

MANON: A Visa is a government-issued document that allows entry a country we’re not of residence, which in this case, is the US. Our particular visa allows us to work within the entertainment industry for a year, however, is still currently an F1 student visa. For us, being from Portugal and Australia our F1 visas last 5 years. The next visa we would be looking at is the O1. 

What did you have to do to get your visa? 

MIA: Because we started on a student visa, we had to fill out a couple of forms under the guidelines of the school we were applying to. Afterward, we had to go to an interview at the American embassy for final approval.

Would you say because you have a visa, is it harder for you to get work? 

MANON: Honestly not so far, maybe for some big Networks extra work is harder to book. A lot of us have done Netflix, Mia’s done MTV. It’s all possible really. There are so many people in the same boat as us. New York is sort of an international city, people understand, people want diversity. 

How does being an actor/creator affect your visa? Or does it help?

MIA: Considering that our visa is the OPT,  we must work within our field of studies, meaning performing arts, so I suppose being an actor does help. I mean, it is the reason we are on this visa to begin with.

I understand that a lot of people under the OPT attempt to produce their own work, is this something you have interest in?

MIA: Yes, Manon and I have actually just recently finished our first draft of our play, ‘The Blue Hour’, we are currently in conversations to get it up on an off-broadway stage next Spring. Stay Tuned! 

Thank you so much, Mia and Manon, for taking the time to answer these questions. As someone who has worked with both of them, I can attest to their amazing abilities, they’re very professional and very talented! Thank you for reading!