Morgan Billings Smith discusses taking the time to feel out who you really are!

I would like to introduce you to the very talented Morgan Billings Smith! Morgan is an actress who has performed on Broadway in The Sound of Music as a Swing! Morgan has also performed in the National Tour of Elf: The Musical and regionally for companies such as Bay Street Theatre, The Eagle Theatre, Weathervane Playhouse, Skyline Theatre Company, ACT of CT, Post Playhouse, and The Secret Theatre, among many others. She has also performed in Workshops, Readings, and Concerts at Second Stage Theater, 54 Below, and Town Hall, just to name a few. I have seen Morgan perform a couple of times now via Zoom and I am really excited for this Pandemic to be over so I can see her perform in person and am completely amazed at how engaging she is on stage.

I love crossing paths with a hardworking artist with great stories and Morgan truly fits that bill. I am so thankful to have the chance to feature her!  

How old were you when you knew you wanted to be a performer? 

Oh, boy -- I want to say 4 years old!

Are there any teachers or mentors in your life who truly helped you become the amazing performer you are today? 

I did a summer program for high school students at Ithaca College, and my teacher, Arno Selco, was so encouraging and informative. He brought so much magic into my pursuit of the musical theatre craft.

Another influence was my first acting teacher my freshman year of college at Marymount -- his name was Antonio Suarez, and his go-to phrase was "own your sh*t." I like to remember that whenever I feel down on myself. 

We are living in some unprecedented times in the world but are very fortunate right now to see a light at the end of the tunnel. For all artists (especially performers) it has definitely been a time of uncertainty. What has your everyday routine been like during Quarantine and what are some things you do to keep your spirits up? 

I've found it's helpful to have a project to look forward to. Right now we seem to need to do that ourselves -- which has actually been a really fun creative and artistic challenge! Coming up with little skits for me, Instagram, or trying out new songs has been fulfilling, and right now I'm coordinating a virtual show with some of my peers for the Spring.  

Are there any roles and shows you have done in your career that will always stick out and be near and dear to your heart?

Playing Luisa in The Fantasticks was a real dream. It was one of the first shows I saw as a kid, and so singing the music and telling the story was really moving for me! 

What advice would you give any young aspiring artist during these times? 

Take this time to try and feel out who you really are and what you can offer while trying to limit how often you play the comparing game. Now is the perfect opportunity to find what YOU and your mind can do, solely, without relying on outside factors. 

To learn more about Morgan make sure you visit her official website at -