Review: “Welcome to My World” at the Sheen Center For Thought and Culture

  • Max Berry, Contributing Critic - New York City

“Welcome to My World” is the newest original musical created by the Inclusive Actionplay Chorus, “a neuro-inclusive improvisational music and theatre residency for teens and adults on the autism spectrum and with related conditions” founded by Aaron Feinstein. Together this group of nineteen artists collaborating together to create a truly unique production that came straight from the heart.

In regards to this production, Feinstein said that typically they do not put up play about autism. However, when the idea for “Welcome to My World” was presented to him by one of Actionplay’s artists, he began to think about ways in which he could tell that story without making it feel “After School Special”-like. Working with the Actionplay chorus to create a story about a young girl with autism who befriends an alien and the two have to work together to save Earth. I’d say Actionplay completely achieved their goal and created a play that told the story about a girl with autism but swapped out preachy monologues for a fun sci-fi adventure. Which, I would argue is just as, if not more, effective in communicating their message.

The talent and passion shown by the group was exceptional. You could tell that everyone took great pride in the work that they were doing and it showed. The songs were fun and catchy, many of which I found myself singing as I walked back home after the show. The improve skills and comedic timing of the group was also very impressive. From a brilliant quip about how the alien sheds her horns every year after they fell off her head, to spot on one liners that you almost don’t catch as the lights go down but were always hilarious, the Actionplay chorus displays skills that are often not present in actors much older than they are. Another show-stopping moment was the hysterical song sung by the main character’s dad and grandfather called “Fix It”. This comedic duo brought the house down and I would happily watch a whole show of those two characters just living life.

It was truly a pleasure attending “Welcome to My World”.  Seeing successful collaboration at work is always an incredible treat in the theatre, but when it is done by such a young group of people, with so much love and enthusiasm, and with such a special story to tell, it is truly a gift. I look forward to the next adventure from Actionplay and where it’s talented group of artists will go next, both in the organization and in life.


“Welcome to My World” was created by the Inclusive Actionplaty Chorus and directed by Aaron Feinstein.

It Features:  Adelaide DeSole, Emmalee M. Weinstein, Max Moore, Natalie Kaiser, Nick Talcott, Shafer Gootkind, Sandy Karpe, Joshua Miller, Ryan Hanna, Emily Kendall, Alan Basiev, Patrik Gelbart, Nicholas Tangnewy, Elijah Goring, Karen Isabelle Hara, Ana Meneses, Garrett Newman, Georgina Ruiz, and Ariella Sandburg

Music Director/Composer: Gabriel Lit

Choreography by Kimberly Barth

Set and props design by Diane Jones and Jane Licata

Lighting design by Chris O’ Neil

“Welcome to My World” was presented through Actionplay at the Sheen Center For Thought and Culture” (18, Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012) May 18th and 19th.

Christopher Peterson