Review: “The Place We Built” at the Flea Theater New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 19, 2016David Roberts
Off-Broadway Review: 'The Ruins of Civilization' at the Manhattan Theatre Club Off Broadway, New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 18, 2016Asya Danilova
Review: “Toast” at 59E59 Theaters New York, Off BroadwayChristopher PetersonMay 18, 2016David Roberts
Review: Passionately painted portrait of ‘Vincent’ New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 18, 2016Asya Danilova
Review: “Kentucky” at Ensemble Studio Theatre Off Broadway, New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 17, 2016David Roberts
Review: “A Better Place” at The Duke On 42nd Street New York, Off BroadwayChristopher PetersonMay 16, 2016Joseph Verlezza
Review: Dive deep into a ‘Half Moon Bay’ at the Cherry Lane Theatre New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 16, 2016Asya Danilova
Review: ‘The Commedia Cinderella’. The Best Family Show in Town. New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 14, 2016Thomas Burns Scully
Review: 'Butterfly' at 59E59 Theaters Off Broadway, New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 13, 2016David Roberts
Review: ‘Body: Anatomies of Being’. Unrevealing. New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 12, 2016Thomas Burns Scully
Review: ‘Spring Fling: Crush’. ASMR Theatre at the IRT Theatre. New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 11, 2016Thomas Burns Scully
Review: 'The Seagull' at the Ophelia Theater Group New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 10, 2016Asya Danilova
Review: “Animals Out of Paper” at Hudson Stage Company New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 9, 2016John P. McCarthy
Review: 'RENT' at Little Radical Theatrics New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 9, 2016Little Radical Theatrics, Amanda Christine
Review: As Yet, Still Untamed. ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ by the Queen’s Company. New York, ShakespeareChristopher PetersonMay 7, 2016Thomas Burns Scully
Review: ‘The Disembodied Hand That Fisted Everyone To Death’ at the PIT New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 6, 2016The PIT, Thomas Burns Scully
Review: Remembering Paris Correctly. ‘April in Paris’ at Feinstein's/54 Below With Floanne. New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 4, 2016Thomas Burns Scully, 54 Below
Review: 'Evening – 1910' at the Axis Theatre Company New YorkChristopher PetersonMay 3, 2016Asya Danilova
Review: 'Toast' at 59E59 Theaters New York, Off BroadwayChristopher PetersonMay 1, 201659E59 Theaters, Asya Danilova