Color-Blind Casting vs. the Playwright’s Intent Editorial, BroadwayChristopher PetersonJanuary 11, 2016
Lea Michele Encourages Readers to Put You First Editorial, BroadwayChristopher PetersonJanuary 8, 2016
‘Curious Incident’: From the Perspective of an Autistic Theatergoer Editorial, BroadwayChristopher PetersonJanuary 6, 2016
Dear Corporate America, Why Do You Hate the Arts? EditorialChristopher PetersonDecember 30, 2015Chris Peterson
Taboo Theater: Crowd Funding & Self Promotion EditorialChristopher PetersonDecember 23, 2015Rachel Spencer Hewitt
Auditioning Mom: How to Change a Diaper on a Moving Train EditorialChristopher PetersonDecember 22, 2015Rachel Spencer Hewitt, Auditioning Mom