“There is news coming out of CT where a former community theatre director and designer has been sentenced eight and a half years in prison in exchange for a guilty plea to second-degree sexual assault.”
Read More“The new statement from the Bradley Playhouse raises even more questions. It doesn’t address the real problems at the playhouse and doesn’t even begin to give any solution. If anything, this statement is only further proof that the new leadership who can actually do the work to lead them from all this.”
Read More“The leadership at the Bradley Playhouse has to go. They made one wrong decision with ‘A Chorus Line’ but have a history of other disastrous decisions that are putting people at risk. It is some of the worst leadership I have ever seen at a community theatre.”
Read More“A community theatre in CT has had to cancel its entire run of A Chorus Line’ after the licensing rights to the show were revoked when it was discovered that the theatre had removed the character of “Richie” because they could not find a Black performer to portray the role.”
Read More“A former theatre director in Connecticut has been arrested after being charged with sexual assault after admitting to abusing multiple teenage girls. The arrest comes after the allegations were made public over three years ago.”
Read More“A former CT community theater director accused in civil lawsuits of sexually assaulting teenage girls who were in his productions, recently was allowed to help with the lighting for a local high school show. The move sparked outrage among the community and his victims.”
Read More“Musicals at Richter in Danbury, CT is a prime example of the tenacity and persistence required in theater.”
Read MoreThe Connecticut local theater community was rocked this week by allegations of sexual misconduct by a man who had served as a director, designer and technical director for multiple theater organizations. The three victims of the alleged abuse filed lawsuits against not only their perpetrator, Dan Checovetes, but also the four area theaters. Now, serious questions of how this was allowed to happen need to be asked.
Read MoreWhen we spoke on the phone, Mr. Cariou was tight-lipped about “Broadway & the Bard,” a show he originated Off-Broadway in 2016. But he calls the concert a “musical memoir” and a chance to review his storied career. It’s clear that at 79, he has many stories to tell and many more songs to sing.
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