Posts in Community Theatre
To Produce or Not to Produce: Neil LaBute

“Producing Neil LaBute’s work is oppressive to womxn, people of size, people of color, people with disabilities, and many other groups, while simultaneously putting money into the hands of someone known to be problematic and hurtful. Keep your theatre life safe and healthy, and truly consider your choice before producing, or working on, a Neil LaBute piece.”

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The Problems that Come with the Lack of Men in My Theatre Community

Starting a new show is always an exciting time for an actor/ actress, and it’s an excitement I live for whether I’m doing tech on the show or acting in it myself. But I’ve noticed something particular happening in my theatre community.  There is inherent sexism that is prevailing over every single theatre group in my hometown.  We have about 12 different groups, and we all run into the same problem-  the shortage of men.

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Stop the Bashing Within Our Theatre Communities

One thing that I have seen a lot more often around my theatre community is that people are bad mouthing their first theatre community. Sometimes we don’t realize that other people in our theatre circle are listening to what we have to say about different topics. Including this one which has so much to do with how we are viewed by others, especially potential directors you might work with in the future.

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