“A theatre teacher at a Kansas middle school is under fire today over an alleged incident during performances of Basehor-Linwood Middle School's production of “Charlotte's Web”. The teacher is accused of launching into a profanity-laced rant directed at students over missed lines and other mishaps that occurred during the production.”
Read More“Theatre touches something deep within me, and that happens whether I’m working on a show or am an audience member watching one. Just being around art, in all forms, is a satisfying experience for me.”
Read More“Some have said that a jukebox musical lacks creativity. I would argue that musicals can lack creativity with an original score or not.”
Read More“Justin Timberlake is a bizarre choice to replace Jackman, and not really for the reasons one might think.”
Read MoreThere’s been a hushed question whispered through audition halls and between performer friends at coffee shops growing ever more frequent especially in the last five to ten years…
“What exactly do they mean when they say they want a ‘Contemporary Musical Theater Song?’”
Read More“It was announced this week that standing room tickets for Broadway’s ‘The Music Man’ will be made available at the staggering price of $76. While the price is considerably lower than a regular seated ticket at the Hugh Jackman-led revival, it’s well above what is usually charged for those types of tickets and spits in the face of those hoping Broadway will become more accessible.”
Read More“I’ve heard people express opinions along the lines of “hey if you agree to appear nude in a show you don’t get to complain about people taking pictures/filming you. You agreed to it, now suck it up. You don’t get to complain.”
As a performer, I wildly disagree.”
Read More“I’m not here to question whether we should have ever had nudity in theatre in the 18th, 19th, or 20th centuries; the question is should we have it in theatre in the world we live in 2022, going forward.”
Read More“With ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’s closing, one could only hope that this would be the end of producers bringing this tired and problematic trope to Broadway. But, because they just can’t seem to let it go, an adaptation of ‘Some Like It Hot’ will be starting performances in New York this coming fall.”
Read More“Appearing nude on stage isn’t an easy process for everyone. It takes courage, focus, and trust in everyone in the building. It’s unfortunate that the staff in the building let Jesse Williams down. It cannot happen again.”
Read More“With the Tony Awards nominations being announced this week, so begins the season of predicting who will be taking home the coveted awards on June 12th. Here are my picks of who I think will win and should win.”
Read More“Storytelling is not something that should be relegated to “people who want to have fun in the arts.” It’s a vital part of how we learn EVERYTHING as human beings.”
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