“I look forward to more "Central Park," as it’s the kind of show a lot of us are craving right now. It’s fun and funny and a joy to watch. It’s a show that will make your day a little brighter.”
Read More“After just a few episodes, Mrs. America reminds us that the struggles that existed 40 years ago still prevail today.”
Read More“A show doesn’t need a realistic premise to ring true to its audience, it needs to present its universe as one filled with people that behave and react the way we and the people around us do. To me, the most extraordinary thing about Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is how real and honest the show is, even while bursting into song and dance.“
Read More“I LOVE Stranger Things. It is one of the finest shows ever created combining my passions for Sci Fi, Horror, and 80’s Pop Culture. But there’s one thing I don’t understand; why does everybody think Jim Hopper is such a great guy?”
Read More“What do Greek mythology and the Marvel Cinematic Universe have in common? They are both sprawling worlds populated with hundreds, if not thousands, of developed and undeveloped characters among varied and intensely detailed environments.”
Read More“The question isn’t ‘are the MCU and other franchise, commercial or genre movies, cinematic art?’ but, rather ‘are they diluting the competition and preventing the survival and growth of traditional cinematic art?’ and, ultimately ‘does it matter?”
Read More“Director Autumn de Wilde’s Emma is a Jane Austen adaptation that is accessible for 21st century audiences.”
Read More“American cinema, still a crucial determinant in films’ success in the American market, continues to resist the spread of multilingual and foreign cinema.”
Read MoreIn this video essay on Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, Ethan Child attempts to defend the oft-criticized "psychiatrist scene" at the end of the film. This defense includes an analysis of the film's framing of audience viewership.
Read MoreThese are the names you’re going to want to keep an eye on in the 2020s.
Read More“While the infamous “wax on, wax off” line is quoted routinely by anyone born before 1990, Miyagi was obviously saying and teaching more than just how to shine a car. He emphasized the importance of breathing whenever he taught a new exercise to Danielson. While breathwork and meditation has been practiced for thousands of years, it wasn’t until recently that science had actually shown specific physical and mental benefits of doing so.”
Read More“Wrapped up in an entertaining if gory and grim package, “The Platform” is saying something worth hearing.”
Read More“The first full-length film by Autumn de Wilde, an adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma, is filled with spectacular scenery, music, and characters to remind us of the lighter and darker sides of love and matchmaking.”
Read MoreTom Hanks can be our film guide through the stress of coronavirus.
Read More“The film is effective in creating a tense domestic horror thriller.”
Read More“As a Quentin Tarantino fan, you could not have expected me to miss out on writing about his newest film. This story highlights some important metaphysical aspects not only about life, but about history as well.”
Read More“This movie is a solid improvement over Suicide Squad, but doesn’t rise to the level of Wonder Woman, Shazam, or even Aquaman.”
Read MoreSometimes the Academy voters get it very right. Sometimes they get it very, very wrong.
Read More“In the movie, Drax's pain and grief from losing his family consume him which gets the whole crew in trouble a few times. Emotions are powerful. But we do have the ability to control how they affect our behavior.”
Read More“The entire Star Wars saga is engrossed in Buddhist and Taoist teachings. Some of these lessons are more obvious than others, from Rey meditating to connect with the Force to everything Yoda says, ever. But some of the wisdom in the newest episode The Rise of Skywalker is a lot more subtle.”
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