5 Questions with THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS' LeVane Harrington!

  • Kevin Ray Johnson

I would like you to meet LeVane Harrington. LeVane will be seen Ozie/ Ruby Bates in The Scottsboro Boys with The Progressive Theater in New Jersey this February. Other recent credits include Something Rotten! at The Cape Rep Theatre, Beauty and the Beast at The Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre. The sky is the limit for this young talent and it is very exciting to see what the future has in store for LeVane. It was a privilege to have the chance to interview this recent graduate of The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA).  

1.) How old were you when you knew you wanted to be a performer?

So funny enough, quite late in the game. I’ve been performing for fun since I was 12, but I didn’t decide to pursue it as a career until I was probably 18 or 19. I did a community theatre production of  The Music Man and for some reason, it just clicked and I was hooked!

2.) Where did you study? Are there any mentors that truly helped make you the performer you are today?

I just graduated from The American Musical and Dramatic Academy this past May. I had a ton of amazing teachers. A few that really stick out though at LaQuet Sharnell Pringle, Martin C. Hurt, Andy Leech, Antoinette DiPietropolo, Eugenio Contenti, Gail Dennison, Serena Berne, and Jimmy Kichler. 

3.) Congratulations on being cast in The Scottsboro Boys. What a powerful piece of theatre. What are you most excited about? 

Thank you so much, it’s such a dream! I think I am most excited to perform such an important and controversial piece of theatre not only during a very important time in our country but also during Black History Month. Growing as a biracial boy in a predominantly white area, there wasn’t much opportunity to do important black shows like this. I’m very excited to be able to be on stage with a bunch of other amazing talented black boys.

4.) Are there any other shows that you have done in your career that will always be near and dear to your heart?

Hair! I was in the Tribe two summers ago at Peregrine Theatre Ensemble and it was probably the most rewarding theatrical experience thus far. Getting to perform such an important period piece in musical theatre history was incredible, especially having a ton of military history on both sides of my family. I hope I get to do it again soon!

5.) What advice would you give young performers who want a career in this business?

Just do it! It is oftentimes very challenging and stressful. But if you’re passionate and work hard you will find success in some sort of way.

To learn more about LeVane's upcoming production of The Scottsboro Boys make sure you visit - www.progressivetheater.com