Posts in Regional
"Get to Know Yourself. As Deeply as You Possibly Can." - Chatting with Shayna Blass!

Get to know yourself. As deeply as you possibly can. And start early. Get a therapist. Work through your stuff. Your primary relationship is with yourself. Being an artist is a long game, especially if you don’t have a ton of resources like money. It’s so important to know how you like to work when you need to rest, and what type of environment you want to work in.

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Resa Mishina Discusses Sunrise Coven, Her Journey & How Essential Kindness is!

Being in this business is already hard as it is, having a group of friends and colleagues who will support you through your bad days and celebrate your good days is so vital. Even more so as an immigrant performer. And don't forget to spread joy and offer support to others too! Relationships are a two-way street and kindness is essential.

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"Don't be so hard on yourself. That hamster wheel in your mind ain't worth it." Chatting w/ Luke Wygodny!

Advice to young people... Don't be so hard on yourself. That hamster wheel in your mind ain't worth it. The likes & numbers on your social media are not important. What's important is that you continue to look out for yourself and find the artist within. At the end of the day, we all leave at some point... Why waste your beautiful concentration on the things that don't matter. Dream and make them come true.

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Shawn W. Smith Discusses Rock of Ages, JCS, & Taking Care of Your Mental Health!

If you ever are doing a show where you walk off the stage at night and you don't feel more satisfied, fulfilled, or purposeful than when you stepped onto the stage, it's time to leave that show. There are plenty of days when I don't have what I think is needed to do my job, and I don't want to go on stage. But I almost never leave the stage feeling worse off for having done the job. When I feel worse off, the job is no longer worth its rewards.

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Ariella Serur discusses 1776, Working w/ Partner Sav Souza & Being your Biggest Fan!

We try not to give in to the mentality of "the show must go on" and, instead, encourage each other to listen to our physical and mental health first and foremost when assessing if we can go on for a certain performance. Because of this, the standbys have been on a lot and it's been amazing to watch the company come together to support each other in this way night after night.

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Cole Burden Discusses 9 to 5 & Healthily Navigating the Ups & Downs of Your Career!

Honestly, if you can have a career in anything else you should do that. There is being an artist and then there is the career of being an artist. It’s just challenging emotionally, physically, and financially.If you are like me and you absolutely have to do it, it is the highest of the high and the lowest of the low so you have to navigate those ups and downs and constantly seek healthy ways to bridge that gap. It’s a life’s work and one I am deeply grateful for.

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