Timothe Bittle discusses Ragtime, Big River & Going for roles that speak to you!

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I would like you to meet a very talented artist in Timothe Bittle. Timothe Bittle has truly left his mark on everyone he has performed with his endless talent. Some of his credits include The National Tours of Finding Neverland, and The Wedding Singer as well regional productions of Sister Act (Curtis), Big River (Jim), Cats (Rum Tum Tugger), The Rocky Horror Show (Dr. Frank N Furter), Ragtime (Coalhouse Walker Jr), and Guys and Dolls (Nicely Nicely), just to name a few.

Having the privilege to work with this amazing actor in Big River I can definitely say without a shadow of a doubt that when the industry starts opening back up, it will only be a matter of time before Timothe is #Booked! I am so thankful to have the chance to feature Mr. Bittle.   

How old were you when you knew you wanted to be a performer? 

So, I started singing when I was 3 with my family’s church group but I discovered musical theatre during my freshman year in high school. Up until then I wanted to be a lawyer!  

Are there any teachers or mentors in your life who truly helped you become the amazing performer you are today? 

My high school theatre teacher Ann Shirk, my college professor Doctor Janet Speer, and two theatre directors I had right out of high school Donna Bradby & Pauline Cobrda. These four women are a big reason for my success.  

We are living in some unprecedented times in the world but are very fortunate right now to see a light at the end of the tunnel. For all artists (especially performers) it has definitely been a time of uncertainty. What has your everyday routine been like during Quarantine and what are some things you do to keep your spirits up? 

I was fortunate to only be in quarantine for a couple months before returning to the stage. I did a lot of tv watching and exercising. My saving grace though was the game Animal Crossing on my Nintendo Switch. It keeps me from getting cabin fever.  

Are there any roles and shows you have done in your career that will always stick out and be near and dear to your heart? 

The character of Jim in Big River is a role I really enjoy doing it. I love the friendship that Jim and Huck create. The music is wonderful too. Coalhouse Walker Jr in Ragtime however is my favorite role to play. I strongly connect to this character and the journey he takes at the turn of the century. Also, the music in this show is so epic. Every song is like music for the soul.  

What advice would you give any young aspiring artist during these times? 

Don’t be afraid to go for roles that speak to you even if you feel you’re not right for them. I find that you can learn a lot from a character that is completely different from yourself. Even if you don’t get the part you still learn a lot just from preparing the character for the audition. 

Check out Timothe performing “Find My Baby” in Sister Act at The Derby Dinner Playhouse