Katherine Weatherford Discusses Greenwood Lake Theater, Producing, & Hanging in There


I am so excited to introduce you to the amazing Katherine Weatherford. Katherine is a Singer, Dancer, Actor, Director, and Producer

who currently serves as the Co-Artistic Director at The Greenwood Lake Theater alongside Mary Mckinley. At Greenwood, she has also performed in their productions of 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, The Wizard of Oz, Oliver!, A Streetcar Named Desire, A Christmas Carol, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Romeo and Juliet. Katherine has performed in NYC at The Big Little Theatre and regionally for companies such as Alhambra Dinner Theatre, The Barn Theatre, Woodlands Repertory Theatre, and The Periwinkle National Theatre.

I first met Katherine back in 2008 when we worked together at a summer stock theatre performing in Les Misérables and West Side Story. I can strongly attest that anyone who sees Katherine perform knows that even to this day, the sky is truly the limit for her no matter what side of the table she is on. She always delivers an A+ performance. Ms. Weatherford can take on any role no matter how challenging, make it her own, and truly leave her mark in such a great way.

She is truly worth the price of admission. Not to mention, she is just such a nice person too. We all know how big and busy NYC can feel, but every time I have run into her over the years, it always feels like the next day. I am very happy to have the honor of featuring this very talented artist!

How old were you when you knew you wanted to be a performer?

I have loved performing for as long as I can remember, but the first time I knew I wanted to pursue theater as a career was when I did my first musical, Fiddler on the Roof, during my sophomore year of high school.  I was completely hooked!

Are there any teachers or mentors in your life who truly helped you become the amazing performer you are today?

SO. MANY.  More than I can list here, for sure.  My mother was my first piano teacher and taught me to read music. Both of my parents have always been incredibly supportive of my career. My ballet teacher from about age 10 all the way through high school was Barbara LeGault- an amazing (and sometimes intimidating!) teacher. Dennis Boyter, my high school choir director, and Frank Chuter, my high school theater teacher, gave me an amazing foundation.

I wish every kid in this country had access to music and theater departments like the ones in my high school. Virginia Sandifur is my voice/acting coach/mentor/third parent. Every single role throughout my professional career has been prepared with her help and guidance.

We are living in some unprecedented times in the world, but are very fortunate right now to see a light at the end of the tunnel. For all artists (especially performers) it has definitely been a time of uncertainty. What has your everyday routine been like during Quarantine and what are some things you do to keep your spirits up?

To be completely honest, I don’t think I have had an “everyday routine” right now.  I try to. I’m just more successful some days than others! Even though my company, Greenwood Lake Theater, is not performing at the moment, I usually do something related to the company every day.  Sometimes it's administrative-type stuff, sometimes organizing costume and prop storage, and sometimes it's working on upcoming projects.  We are using the theater pause to create our company’s first original work- a big outdoor immersive theater piece that will go up next fall about the Salem Witch Trials.  It has been great to still have a creative outlet. 

Other than that, I snuggle Apollo (my beagle), take online classes and lessons that interest me, talk with family on the phone, go running, cook and bake A LOT,  and hang out with Bryan (my partner).  We are both normally really busy and not home together much.  This year has been a chance to spend a lot of time together, and I have loved that. 

But, full disclosure, some days I bounce out of bed and get a million things done, and sometimes I don’t.  Even though the logical part of my brain knows I am so, so fortunate (healthy, a roof over my head, loving family), there are days filled with stress and anxiety, and uncertainty.  On those days, I just try to be kind to myself and do the best I can.

You and I go way back and I have always been inspired by your beautiful spirit and wonderful career. Are there any roles, performances or shows that you have done in your career that will always be near and dear to your heart?  

We do go way back!  We were next to each other on a barricade in Les Mis over a decade ago!

In answer to your question, I always fall in love with my characters in every show and miss them when it ends like they are friends that moved away, so that's a tough question!! I loved Kathy Selden in Singin’ in the Rain. It was one of my favorite movies growing up, and I had to pinch myself daily because I couldn’t believe I was getting to do it! I got my Equity card while playing Janet in The Rocky Horror Show. I loved Cinderella in Into the Woods too. Sondheim writes such complex, beautiful characters that are truly a gift for any actor. I also got to play Stella in A Streetcar Named Desire last year, which was a longtime dream role. Olive Ostrovsky in 25th...Spelling Bee was my first show with my own company, Greenwood Lake Theater so that one will always hold a special place.

What advice would you give any young aspiring artists in these challenging times?

Be kind to yourself, work on what you can, support others, and hang in there!

It’s ok to feel sad or frustrated that it isn’t “business as usual” in the arts.  A lot of us are having days that we feel down through this time- be kind to yourself! Even though things aren’t normal right now, you can still work on your skills and create!  Don’t worry about the “right” thing to be doing as an artist through this time. 

Work on what inspires you and makes you smile. Whether that’s writing a script, working on new songs, dancing in your garage, baking sourdough bread, or sewing yourself a superhero cape to wear around the house, go for it! Support other artists and cheer them on.  We need each other- right now more than ever. 

This will pass. It has lasted longer than any of us would have liked, and it has been tough, but thanks to the work of incredible scientists, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The arts will be back. And, as a producer, I can’t wait to meet you and work with you someday!

If you would like to learn more about Katherine and her theater company Greenwood Lake, please visit their official website at - https://www.greenwoodlaketheater.org