Natasha Ricketts Discusses Singing Every Day & Not Giving Up on What Makes You Happy

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Natasha Ricketts is a performer that once you see her perform, you remember for many years to come. I met her last summer when we performed together in The Little Mermaid at Myers Dinner Theatre, and her portrayal of Ursula was truly flawless. Her performance was one that would inspire the next generation to pursue this craft. Based out of Michigan, this Siena Heights University alumni has performed regionally with companies such Myers Dinner Theatre, Cornwell Dinner Theatre, Cumberland County Playhouse, Pines Dinner Theatre, Busch Gardens, and Croswell Opera House. Up next for Natasha will be Betty Jean in The Marvelous Wonderettes at The Myers Dinner Theatre directed by Sarah Philabaum with Music Direction by Travis Smith.

Natasha Ricketts is one of the funniest people that I know! Her spirit and energy are so magnetic both on and off the stage. She’s always such a joy to work with.- SaysThe Marvelous Wonderettesdirector Sarah Philabaum

If you ever see Natasha's name on the playbill, you will truly be in for a treat, and if you don't buy a ticket, then you are just one poor unfortunate soul (see what I did there?). I am so happy to have the chance to interview an actress who has only taken her first baby steps in what I know will be a long and successful journey as a performer!

How old were you when you knew you wanted to be a performer?

It's funny. I don't recall an exact age, but I remember being in my early teens at a family dinner, and my aunt asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I answered confidently, "Well, I've been told I can't make money in theater, so maybe....a vet?" Haha! I'll always remember the conversation my dad and I had that night, and one thing that will always stick with me is when he said, "it doesn't really matter if you'll be making money or not. You need to do what makes you happy, and I'll always support you doing that." From that day on, I knew I was going to be able to pursue theater, even if it's not the most lucrative career, I get to be happy!

Are there any teachers or mentors in your life who truly helped you become the artist you are today?  

Definitely.  I have been incredibly lucky with the amazing talent I've been able to both work with and learn from. I certainly must thank my professors Mark Dipietro and Doug Miller from Siena Heights University.  I met them both at the age of 14, and I developed many skills both on and off the stage through their mentorship.  With Mr. Miller, I learned so much about being a character actor and understanding just where I fit.  From physical comedy to being focused but free, he helped me tame my "ridiculousness," while Mr. Dipietro allowed me to develop characters through research and understanding.  I am grateful to so many of the talented actors I've had the pleasure of learning from, and I look forward to every opportunity to learn more with each show! 

We are living in some unprecedented times in the world but are very fortunate right now to see a light at the end of the tunnel. For all artists, it has definitely been a time of uncertainty. What has your everyday routine been like during Quarantine and what are some things you do to keep your spirits up?

Singing every day! Although nothing beats the rush of performing for an audience, singing and learning new music daily has helped me stay happy and smiling through all of this. I'm grateful to have landed a great survival job that always allows me to sing along to my favorite tunes every day. In fact, they encourage it! Keeping some kind of performance in my life, however small, has truly kept me hopeful for that next audience I get to make laugh and cheer.

Congratulations on The Marvelous Wonderettes at Myers Dinner Theatre! How does it feel to have the opportunity to perform right now? 

Oh my gosh, I'm so excited!  I know I keep repeating the word "grateful," but that's truly what I am!  I'm grateful for Jeremy Littlejohn, Myers Dinner Theatre, and Sarah Philabaum for this opportunity!  I know so many of my theater friends aren't seeing that light at the end of the tunnel, but I can only hope Myers and this production will show a little sparkle of that light for us all.  This is a small, safe cast with such relatable and wonderful music.  I'm just ready to bring that joy to people again.  My heart is so happy. Did I mention I'm grateful!?

Any there any roles or shows in your career that you have done that will always stick out and be near and dear to you? 

Definitely Ursula in The Little Mermaid.  That role was by far the most exciting and fun one I've had the opportunity to portray, and that particular production also took place during the pandemic.  Everyone in the cast was cautious, but so incredibly excited to perform again, and it made it that much more special.  I learned a lot about myself in this show, too.  Not only regarding acting, but also in the professionalism regard.  I was presented with new situations, new challenges, and of course, the role of a lifetime.  I really hope to play that role again and again, and I'll never forget that experience.   

What advice would you give any young aspiring artists during these times?

Two things to never do: 1. Never be afraid to ask for help with auditions! Your theater friends are here to guide you! 2. Never, ever, ever give up on pursuing what makes you happy. Even when you don't book the part, or when the light is dim, there is absolutely no reason for you to give up! I am the happiest and most fulfilled when I am performing, and nothing will ever top going after and achieving those dreams!

The Marvelous Wonderettes opens at Myers Dinner Theatre on April 2nd with performances going until May 2nd. For more information please visit -

And for more information about Natasha, make sure you visit her official website at -