"Anything's Possible When It's Unpredictable" - Chatting with The Unpredictable Times Actress Leah Henry!

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I would like you to meet Leah Henry. Leah recently just finished her sophomore year at Western Caroline University where she is majoring in Theatre/Acting and will be playing the role of Samantha in the Regional Premiere of The Unpredictable Times at Rise Above Performing Arts this June. So far at Western Carolina, Leah has performed as a Swing in their production of Into the Woods which was directed by Broadway's Hunter Foster. Some of her other favorite credits include - Children of Eden (Ensemble), Hairspray (Tammy), Grease (Frenchy), The Crucible (Deliverance Fuller), and Alice in Wonderland (Title Role). Leah is such a talented young actress who has not even scratched the surface of her potential. I am happy to have the chance to feature her in my series!

Do you have a favorite play or musical and an artist you are strongly influenced by? Why? 

To pick just one play or musical is hard for me to do because I have a special place in my heart for multiple ones. Wicked has always had a special place in my heart for as long as I can remember. I also really got into Spring Awakening more my senior year of high school, and it helped guide me through those tough times. And of course, Children of Eden is a masterpiece in itself. As that was my last show at Booker High, I feel a deep connection with the show and the message it sends. It taught me to forgive, to be creative, to see the light, that no one is perfect, and it shed so much light on family and friends for me. That was the show where something clicked inside me, and I changed. I had just lost someone, and this show and the people in it lifted me up and helped me through so much. 

Sometimes, I go back and listen to the album and cry all over again because I remember who I was at that time and how I have grown since then. Children of Eden taught me so much, and still does every time I hit the replay button. I could never thank Mr. Keys, the cast, and the crew enough for everything they taught me in that process. Children of Eden has influenced my thoughts, actions, and soul since the moment I said, “In the beginning”. My favorite quote that I love to repeat to myself is “For every moment of our lives, is the beginning. Now we begin again.” Something about it reminds me that we can begin again, and every moment is the beginning of something new. We can grow, be forgiven, and begin again. 

You are currently attending Western Carolina University studying Theatre/Acting. How has your time been with the program, and what are some of your favorite moments so far in the program and the university? 

My time at Western Carolina has been a whirlwind of emotions. The stage and screen program has taught me so much in two years. Within these two years, I have been given so much guidance and many opportunities along the way. Many would think it bizarre of me to attend an unknown theatre school, but I couldn’t have made a better decision. With the smaller class size comes more one-on-one time with professors and more training. I feel so grateful to have such amazing professors and to be given so many performance opportunities along the way. Some of my favorite moments have been connecting with my peers and watching us grow as a class. My top memory would have to be us eating cake after our final and then carrying a door over a building and up a flight of stairs. I can’t wait for the next two years. 

After 20 plus years Scott Keys has decided to hang it up as head of the Theatre Department at Booker High School. What has Mr. Keys meant to you when it comes to your development as a performer? 

Mr. Keys meant so much to me. He pushed me when I needed to be pushed and lifted me up when I needed extra support. He made me believe in myself as a performer. I walked in as a shy kid too scared to do anything, but over the next 4 years, I changed into a confident performer and person. He taught me so much about acting and performing, and to this day, I take those skills with me everywhere. I learned everything from delving deep into my monologues to analyzing plays, to being an overall confident performer. I don’t know where I would be without him. He changed my life so much. Because of Mr. Keys, I am a wiser and more confident performer. We are all subject to change, and he definitely changed me for the better and continues to do so through everything he does.

How do you relate the role of Samantha in The Unpredictable Times?

I relate to her in a couple of ways. Samantha is a very sarcastic person, but she also cares so deeply about her friends. She is loyal to the bone no matter what, but she will smack some sense into her friends when need be. I am very much the person to bring everyone together all day every day, and I would say that Samantha is the same way. She is also very ambitious about her goals and dreams just like me. It’s kind of crazy just how much her and I are alike. Every time I read through the script again, I am just astounded at how much I am Samantha. 

Why should people come to see the regional premiere of The Unpredictable Times at Rise Above Performing Arts? 

People should come to see the regional premiere of The Unpredictable Times because it is something they have never seen before. It touches on so many relevant and emotional topics that some writers are too scared to write about, let alone put multiple into one play. Both adults and young people can relate to this play in some way. It is the hard truth of what growing up can do to people and some of the extremes that can come along the way. You will be affected one way or another when you finish watching this production. It’s funny, emotional, and overall truthful.

The Unpredictable Times is a coming-of-age drama opens on June 18th and will running through to the 27th. For more information about the play make sure you visit www.riseabovearts.com or www.theunpredictabletimesplay.com 

Check out the promo video - https://youtu.be/Z3xziK8lL_Y