Lisa Gilroy Discusses Taking Care of Yourself, Keeping Your Chin Up, & Being Creative!

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I would like to introduce you to Comedian, Actor, and Writer, Lisa Gilroy. Lisa is a two-time Canadian Comedy Award-winning improv and sketch comedian and an Alumna of The Second City's National Touring Company in Toronto. She has also worked with Toronto's award-winning sketch troupe "The Sketchersons". Some of Lisa's acting credits include: Canada’s 25th annual New Year’s Eve televised sketch show and Air Farce as well as appearances on multiple seasons of CTV’s The Beaverton, Seeso’s The Amazing Gayl Pile, and Black Pill’s You Got Trumped. Catch Lisa most recently on Refinery29’s Pet Friendly directed by Whitney Cummings and the upcoming seasons of Drunk History (Comedy Central) and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I think Lisa is unbelievably talented and very original.

When she posted her dramatic take of an Austin Powers Monologue, I couldn't stop laughing. Her artistry and energy are exactly what the doctor ordered during these crazy times in our society. I am very thankful to have the chance to interview her!

How old were you when you knew you wanted to be an actress?

Unfortunately, I’ve always loved attention. As a kid, I used to annoy my family with comedy performances in the living room, but it wasn’t until I tried improv that I knew I wanted to do more than that. I wanted to annoy the world at large. That was just after high school.

Are there any teachers or mentors in your life who truly helped you become the versatile artist you are today?

Rob Baker was a teacher of mine at The Second City in Toronto, and he would ask, “Who’s going to have the most fun?” before we went on stage for shows. That really changed my life actually because I realized if I was having fun, everything else would fall into place. I think of that any time I make something. Everyone might hate it, but at least I’m going to enjoy myself.

We are living in some unprecedented times in the world. For all artists (especially actors) it is definitely a time of uncertainty. What has your everyday routine been like during Quarantine and what are some things you do to keep your spirits up?

2:30 a.m. wake up

2:45 a.m. prayer time

3:15 a.m. breakfast

3:40-5:15 a.m. workout

5:30 a.m. post-workout meal

7:30 a.m. golf

8 a.m. snack

9:30 a.m. cryo chamber recovery

10:30 a.m. snack

11 a.m. family time/meetings/work calls

1 p.m. lunch

2 p.m. work calls

3 p.m. pick up kids from school

3:30 p.m. snack

4 p.m. workout No. 2

5:30 p.m. dinner/family time

7:30 p.m. bedtime

Whoops that’s Mark Wahlberg’s schedule. I usually sleep until noon and eat cheese to keep my spirits up. I tell myself I only have three responsibilities: take care of myself, take care of others, and do something creative.

What are some projects (Television, Film, Stage etc.) you have done in your career that will always stick out and be near and dear to your heart?

My first TV job was hosting a Canadian prank show; it was a wild thing to go from no TV credits to hosting an entire show by myself, but it was the most fun, exhausting time of my life. You never forget your first. More recently, I got to do Brooklyn Nine-Nine with Andy Samberg, a spot with Jane Lynch, and an interview with Jim Carrey. These people had a hand in crafting my entire personality, so that almost caused a psychiatric break. That was amazing.

What advice would you give any young aspiring artists in these challenging times?

Take care of yourself, take care of others, and do something creative. Keep your chin up! We’re all in this together. Do I sound like a bank commercial? I really, really mean it.

To learn more about Lisa make sure you visit her official website at -