“Does it really matter what the mechanics of affection are? The possible effects of playing fictional lovers on real-world romance are fun to speculate about, but at the end of the day, all that matters is that people are happy together, regardless of how their love blossomed or how long it lasts. Personally, I wish them all the best.”
Read More"As someone who has been involved in theatre for well over a decade, one common theme I have found is an overabundance of young people who work in theatre. This is amazing, don’t get me wrong! But, the realities of mixing those who have families with younger people can sometimes take work."
Read More“This needs to be celebrated, not criticized.”
Read More"The question of “how to write women” has been floating around the industry since its inception, namely in relation to “how hard it is” or how often it’s not done well."
Read More“To me, there is always a specific mental and emotional bond that happens between people when they work on a production together in the theatre world.”
Read More"This is not my hobby; this is my real job. Just because you don’t see me ‘working’ on my creative career every day, just because I don’t fill out an hourly timesheet and receive a check each week doing it, doesn’t mean I am not constantly working at it."
Read More“Recently, one of the most common cost-cutting strategies for theatres looking to save money is using digital programs over the traditional printed variety. While this may seem like a small, harmless change, it actually hurts the theater-going experience a lot, and I would encourage companies to re-think this change and bring back some paper programs as soon as possible.”
Read More“Ambition, motivation, and determination are all great qualities to possess. They help us keep fighting for our dreams. It’s important to fight the good fight. But it’s important to care for yourself as well.”
Read More“Remember, warming up your voice should be a gradual process, starting with gentle exercises and gradually increasing the intensity. It's essential to listen to your body and avoid pushing your voice too hard during warm-up routines.”
Read More“Take pride in your strengths and work to turn your weaknesses into strengths. Every snowflake that comes down in a blizzard is unique, as is every actor that walks across the stage.”
Read MoreIn the wake of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, we spoke to two community theatres that are in the midst of performing Sondheim’s musical, ‘Assassins’.
Read MoreDear theatre students,
We’ve met before, but as a reminder, my name is Chris and I am a theatre professor. While I might not be YOUR theatre professor, and while I don’t claim to speak for ALL theatre professors, I wanted to take just a moment to talk about your futures. I think what I have to say is important to those of you in college theatre programs, and also those of you who are hoping to go into a college theatre program—but perhaps other theatre artists, in various stages in their careers, might find some utility in my advice.
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